
One Plan, Many Styles Explore styling options

  • 4
  • 2.5
  • 2
  • 2

Interesting rooflines and combination brick and shiplap cladding give this home real street appeal.

The open plan living and master suite on the ground floor makes for single level living with guest, or children’s, bedrooms and family room upstairs. Expansive sliders open both sides of the living spaces to outdoor living at any time of day. Porch rooflines give protection from sun and rough weather. An extra ‘snug’ space off the dining area opens to morning sun. The Patiki is a great layout for city living either for family - or just you.


Dimensions 13.5m x 19.0m
Lower Floor Area 141.6m²
Upper Floor Area 59.2m²
Garage 47.9m²
Total Floor Area 248.7m²
Porches 38.7m²
Total Area 287.4m²
Special Features
  • Striking rooflines with vertical detailing
  • Open plan living and master suite on ground floor
  • Combination painted brick and shiplap exterior
  • Covered porches for outdoor living
Customise this plan to your lifestyle

One plan, many styles...

Our Ready to Build plans offer great flexibility for new home builders. Here’s an example of how one design – our Lakeside plan can be executed in many different ways.

...modified to suit your lifestyle

Start with any Landmark plan and work with our designer to come up with a floor plan and style that suits your family perfectly. Here are some of our common modifications.

Generated at: 05/02/2025, 06:02:56.034 pm